
Playwright Cucumber

Playwright Cucumber: Elevating Automated Testing in Web Development

When pairing Playwright Cucumber together in the fast-paced world of web development, ensuring the paramount reliability and functionality of web applications becomes seamless. When Playwright and Cucumber team up, it’s like combining a superhero’s strength with a clear instruction manual. Playwright takes charge of handling how your web browser behaves, while Cucumber provides a simple …

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Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Jenkins Pipeline for Playwright Tests

Jenkins Pipeline for Playwright: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines automate the testing and deployment of applications, ensuring reliability and efficiency in software development. Integrating Microsoft Playwright, a powerful testing tool, into a Jenkins CI/CD pipeline can streamline the testing process for web applications. Prerequisites for Jenkins Pipeline for Playwright: Before getting into the …

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Jenkins Pipeline for Playwright Tests Read More »

Mastering Playwright with C#

By using Playwright with C#, We can create maintainable, robust, and efficient scripts that facilitate reliable testing and web automation tasks. Playwright, a powerful automation library, has revolutionized how developers handle browser automation tasks. Its versatility, ease of use, and support for multiple programming languages make it a go-to tool for automating web interactions. In …

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Introduction to GitHub Actions and Playwright

Setting up GitHub Actions for Playwright Writing Playwright Tests: With GitHub Actions set up, you can now write Playwright tests in your project. Example (using Jest and Playwright): – Install necessary packages: – Write a Playwright test: Assuming a simple test to open a browser and check a webpage: – Run the tests locally: Incorporating …

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Error Handling and Debugging in Playwright Scripts

Writing robust automation scripts involves not just creating functional tests but also anticipating and handling errors effectively. For any automation framework where interactions with browsers and web pages are key, error handling and debugging techniques can significantly enhance script reliability and maintainability. In this article, we’ll learn more about how Error Handling and Debugging in …

Error Handling and Debugging in Playwright Scripts Read More »